The Quality management can be defined as the coordinated process to manage and control a business or organization for the improvement of products and services. With visits to ensure the customers’ necessities satisfaction in relation to what is offered, or even exceed their expectations.

The quality management do not necessarily imply on adopting some kind of certification (even though this is the most common manner), but it always implicates with observing some basic precepts that have to be taken by interested organizations. One of those precepts is the management performance evaluation, based on strategic indicators, operational and by processes ones.

On that strategy, the cause and effect relations of indicators is previously established, taking into account the strategies and processes of organizations. Then, their goals are set, considering the requirements from interested parts and the comparative information of the market.

Next, the evaluations are supported by a system of indicators that extract information from daily reports of the organization. On this part, it is possible to notice that softwares’ support can improve the strategy’s quality: if the business can count with a quick and precise generation of information taken from their operations daily reports, it will be possible to select indicators on a larger options range.


Tela inicial do software Conforme

Made to Manage Nonconformities through Nonconformities Reports (Relatórios de Não Conformidades, RNC) and Corrective / Preventive Actions (Ações Corretivas / Preventivas RACP). With CONFORME it is possible to monitor all the nonconformities cycle, since opening to ending. All the standards of CONFORME are customizable and that allows adjusting information of database to controlled forms of the enterprise. That way, indicators are generated by CONFORME reflect on the business’ reality. CONFORME is acceding to the standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and NBR 16001



  • R. Dr. Pedro Costa, 483 - Centro - Taubaté/SP
  • +55 (12) 3413 6082
  • contato@webdutos.com.br
  • Mon - Fri: 9h00 - 18h00

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