TREINAWEB was created to manage simple and friendly the Training Matrix and the Training Necessities of each enterprise. Acceding to ISO 10.015, through it the business ensures that training will be aligned to strategic objectives (profit and productivity increase, customers’ satisfactions, reduction of costs, accidents, turnover and quality aspects increase).

The complexity of the process to create a training matrix, define frequency and evaluate results is easily reduced with TREINAWEB.


Tela de matriz de treinamento

Training Matrix

Organize the required training cycles by identifying obligations created by standards, laws and internal processes.

Tela de lista de presença do treinamento selecionado

Attendance Lists

Makes attendance lists automatically and indicates staff who need to train through a recorded Matrix.

Tela de cronograma de treinamento

Training Schedules

See the early training schedule sorted by people, courses, requirements, dates or positions in a simple and quick way.

Tela de gerenciamento de exceções mostrando como editar um curso

Exceptions Management

Easily apply training exceptions for people according to your business’ requirements.

Tela de participante mostrando como selecionar os participantes para o curso selecionado

Participants Selection

All the participants are pre-enrolled, dismissing the need to type.

Tela de avaliação de treinamento realizado

Training Evaluation

It allows you to evaluate the training that has been done or provided.



All the important data are pre-enrolled, dismissing retying and errors.


TREINAWEB simplifies the Training Matrix and generates automatically all the indexes of training realized by your enterprise.


The quantity of trainings made per month, year or period. Any obligations of positions and functions, attendance reports and results evaluation.


Guarantee, through TREINAWEB, that your company is acceding to standards like ISO 10015 and the legislation.


Yes. The integration is made by Webdutos on the implantation phase to guarantee that the workforce is updated on TREINAWEB without the need to retype.

Yes. We provide the Training Matrix and the Training Necessities pre-enrolled on the software, which you can use according to your company’s rules. Later, it can be adapted according to your business profile.

Yes. TREINAWEB allows defining the training necessities by roles, staff, places or legal requirements.

No. That is automatically done by TREINAWEB.

TREINAWEB makes hangs reports crossing staff, Training Matrix and a Defined Schedule Requirements information. You can see staff who did not do obligatory training, the future schedules or the one that were quickly serviced via your preferred internet navigator.

Yes. TREINAWEB has a multiple Matrix resource. Through it, you can create different profiles per area, sector or legal requirement applicable to all employees.



  • R. Dr. Pedro Costa, 483 - Centro - Taubaté/SP
  • +55 (12) 3413 6082
  • Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM

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