The abbreviation SRC means Contractual Requirements System and it’s a software created to manage the service of requirements from enterprises and people involved in a project. It is considered as requirements things that go from documents delivering (of any kind) to events created by the software administrator. This way, SRC inspects the service of hangs on various areas of the enterprise, such as RH, Contractual Administration, Health – Safety and Occupational Health, and others.

To pursuit that goal, SRC allows the software administrator to create requirement profiles to suppliers and employees groups. Those profiles are applied to the enterprises and their headcounts, using that to create commitments lists that have to be attended in agreement with a pre-determined deadline. The software makes many reports and indicators that allow the enterprise to charge its suppliers the attendance to the requirements.


Tela inicial do SRC com gráficos de pizza representando Tipos de Requisitos e Status de Requisitos


Manage the hangs of services to the internal contractual requirements and outsourced ones. SRC generates requirement maturities reports in advance allowing proactivity and a guarantee that it is acceding to the contractual standards of your organization.

Tela de perfis de requisitos contratuais diferenciados por empresa

Differenced Profiles

Create contractual requirements differenced by enterprises, fields of activity, practice area or specific things by enterprise. Then, let SRC manage the service and send charges by email automatically.

Tela de requisitos de Efetivo mostrnado como criar perfil para efetivo.

Headcount Requirements

SRC also creates requirement profiles about the headcount of your organization and the outsourced. Allows managing the delivering of documents and events unitarily or on batches.

Tela de saúde mostrando o cadastro médico do efetivo

Health and Safety

SRC also manages the Health Occupation requirements: anamneses, PPRA, PPP, audiometry, periodic exams – the historic of each person who worked on your enterprise in archived on the database and can be consulted at any time.

Tela de Perfis de Cargo mostrando como alterar Perfil de Requisitos de Cargo

Position Profiles

SRC creates requirements for each position in activity. Monitoring the service of those requirements is guarantee that passive occupational rights events and co-responsibility will decrease.

Tela de requisitos de funcionários mostrando como anda o atendimento aos requisitos


Many reports give the exact image of how the attendance to the requirements is: per position, per individual, enterprise, documents, events, sectors, etc.



SRC is integrated to Excel and PDF. All the reports can be obtained on screen, worksheets or PDF files.

Automatic Charges

SRC sends individual e-mails charging the requirements attendance for each enterprise or sector.

Safe Module

Strong authentication restricts information only to interested people. That guarantees that the enterprises see only requirements and information connected to it.


The Administrator can change requirement profiles or create new ones and apply over enterprises and headcounts. With that you can manage legal requirements, normative and internal.


All the hangs, requirements and requirement attendances are archived on the database. The documental historic of the supplier can be consulted allowing safer hires.


SRC has a measurement worksheet divided into cost percent and area. Through that feature, it is possible to liberate or remove measurements of suppliers who have their payment not on time with their contractual obligations.


SRC is developed in a SQL database of high performance and has integration with Excel and PDF. It’s used through a internet navigator and there is not a user limit.

Quick access

A plataforma dispensa programas adicionais. Utilize um simples navegador de internet de sua preferência.


Yes. Each supplier, or contracted enterprise, receives a login and a password to access, see and attend the contractual requirements between him and your enterprise.

Yes. Every contract saved on SRC is different even for the same supplier, allowing the management of different requirements profiles for each contract, even being under the same national entity registration code (CNPJ in Brazil).

Yes. During the SRC implantation, standardized profiles acceding the legal and normative standard of the country are registered on the database. There are more than 400 positions with profiles that attend the occupational legislation, regulatory standards and good compliance practices.

Yes. All Webdutos' programs can be used on internet as well as on the internal network of the enterprise. That way, they work normally when there is no internet link.

Yes. The commercial technical proposals that we emit have three different options of licensing, allowing you to maximize the cost-benefit relation. That way, smaller constructions can use SRC the same way big enterprises.

The license provided by Webdutos is everlasting, in other words, you keep accessing your content after the end of the enterprise, because we work with the premise that all the knowledge deposited in the database belongs to the contractor.

We look forward to make that integration in order to avoid reworks and retyping data. There are various cases of succeeded integration with softwares such as Dutoline, Autocad, Citadon, Project, and others; but every case needs to be analysed to ensure the consistence of the information.

The users can open supporting calls by email at any time of the day and week. To call via cell phone or Skype, the support responds to the call on office hours, from Monday to Friday, since 9 AM until 6 PM.

The technology used demands a low performance hardware. Even older servers, over five years old, can be used normally or even transform a workstation that's more than three years old into a server for the application.



  • R. Dr. Pedro Costa, 483 - Centro - Taubaté/SP
  • +55 (12) 3413 6082
  • Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM

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