PIPECONTROL is used for fabrication and assembly of pipes and accessories control, with resources that integrate Commissioning and Quality Inspections. processes. It provides high traceability of materials, inspections and preservation and monitoring reports. PIPECONTROL makes the tests flow (workflow) designed by an Aligned Commissioning of an enterprise possible. It also archives inspections made by Quality staff.

Main features:

1. Weekly Repair Index: Track Product & Process quality simply and quickly.

2. inspection progress index: Manage and track all inspections performed by PIPECONTROL.

3. Interactive Joint Map: Keep track of all inspections carried out and also have access to the scanned documents scanned documents at the click of a mouse.

4. Reports generated in the software: Record all inspections within PIPECONTROL, generate the controlled form automatically and get the indicators directly from the platform.

5. Digitized reports: Scan and save reports on the platform itself.


Gráfico de colunas repressentando Avanço/unidades dos testes do Workflow de Comissionamento

Unit Testing

Advance indexes of the commissioning workflow are automatically generated from inspections saved on the software.

Gráfico de barras horizontal representando inspeções previstas em azul e realizadas em vermelho

Each Test Situation

Quick information about the progress of each foreseen test.

Tela de índices de qualidade com um gráfico de barras e linhas nas cores vermelho, azul e verde

Quality Indexes

Besides Commissioning, PIPECONTROL also generates Quality Control Indicators as Weld Performance.

Tela de redistro de inspeções do pipecontrol

Inspections Register

PIPECONTROL registers the content of signed reports and prints them on your business' controlled form.

Tela de Estoque de materiais mostrando como cadastrar um instrumento

Supplies Stock

Controls the equipment, traceable materials and tools allowing TAGs management.

Tela de workflow de processos que mostra os testes e inspeções que devem ser realizados

Processes Workflow

PIPECONTROL keeps the standard registration of all tests and inspections that have to be made.


Databook & Punch List

The methodology used by PIPECONTROL allows generating final products of Quality and Engineering & Commissioning in a simple and effective way.


All the important aspects of the process are pre-enrolled, reducing error: professionals, qualifications, inspections, TAGs, equipment, SOP/SSOP, consumables.

As built

Helps when emitting "As Built" with moniring and access right from Engineering & Projects.


Indicators are generated live when archiving reports and documents.


YYes. PIPECONTROL allows you to inform what Operation Systems, Subjects, Units or putting your usual classification for the control.

No. PIPECONTROL integrates Commissioning and Quality Control. The tests that are foreseen by Commissioning and the realized inspections by CQ inspectors are consolidated on the database. That shows the process aspects, preserving and archiving, product’s quality and hangs to be done.

Resources as Batches for Welders Map, welding performance (by length and joints), Joints Map with traceability upon digitalized reports, professionals, such as welders, inspectors and responsible enrolling, equipment mapping, etc.

Yes. PIPECONTROL allows you to control electronic stock, tools, equipment and Pipes shop separately, applying different workflow tests for each stock kind.

PIPECONTROL informs the percentual of test hangs on your Maps and indicates what tests and inspections still need to be done.

The hangs list of PIPECONTROL is emitted upon a controlled form of each enterprise. In case you do not have a specific model, Webdutos provides a PETROBRAS standard one along with PIPECONTROL, which can be used and/or adjusted during the implantation.



  • R. Dr. Pedro Costa, 483 - Centro - Taubaté/SP
  • +55 (12) 3413 6082
  • contato@webdutos.com.br
  • Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM

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