The GSWEB software was developed to register the Social Management process in construction sites. Through it the enterprise registers the Registration Forms, Nada Consta, visits, and relationships with all those involved and interested parties. Through GSWEB the project manages the social aspects of a project electronically.

GSWEB is a multi-user module with browser access. É consists of three main parts:

1. Relations Module: Used to control and keep track of communication registers with fixed owners and social equipment limited to constructions.

2. Impact Matrix and Interested Parts Module Through it it’s made an evaluation of the interested parts and monitoring the result of actions taken towards significant impacts.

3. Environment Module: Developed to evaluate aspects related to environment and interest parts, and monitor the results of actions towards significant impacts.


Gráfico de pizza em 3D nas cores azul e vermelho representando Status de relacionamento com Proprietários


Easily keep track of the evolution of communication and relations registers between the enterprise and interested parts.

Tela de indicadores com gráfico de barras horizontal nas cores azul e vermelho representando Status por assunto

Crossed Indicators

GSWEB generates various crossed indicators with information about the communication progress between interested parts, since residents affected by the business, communities, social equipment, surroundings commerce and public organs.

Gráfico de colunas na cor azul representando Registros realizadas mensalmente de Relacionamento com Proprietários

Monitoring Communicators

Decrease the future impacts and have quick and simple access to all relation registers between your Communicators and interested parts.

Tela de Ficha cadastral e 'Nada Consta' mostrando como editar uma ficha cadastral

Cadastral Form and "It Says Nothing"

GSWEB’S methodology allows keeping track of all the business cycle since cadastral surveys visits to It Says Nothing emission.

Tela de partes interessadas que visa identificar levantamento de impactos relevantes e criação de planos de ação

Interested Parts

Impacts Module is acceding to the standard ISO 26000 – Social Responsibility Guidelines and PMBOK and aims to identify interested parts, surveys of relevant impacts and creation of action plans.

Tela de relatórios do GSWEB


Many reports with excellent traceability of all the interest parts. Through GSWEB, you have access to Interested Parts Survey, Cadastral Forms, Communication Historic, etc.


Monthly Register

GSWEB generates the relations register in a controlled form for collecting signatures.

It Says Nothing

Emission of “It Says Nothing” individualized by cadastral form.


Allows searching by words and terms, by local (city, neighbourhood and street), owners’ names and PIs, by Communicator, period, etc.


Tracking negotiations, automatic bailout of the owner’s / property / communicator negotiation historic. Cadastral Survey, Presenting the Constructor to the owner and communities, Complaints, Activity Communication, Replicas/Rejoinders, Requests.


GSWEB was created taking into account the necessities of each enterprise and has an excellent learning curve. It’s easy to operate and to obtain the necessary indicators.

Interested Parts

Acceding to ISO 26000 and the PMBOK methodology, it allows the Interested Parts identify, realizing Impacts Evaluation, Consolidated Actions, Themes and Questions.

Impacts Matrix

Attached to the Impacts Matrix for identifying Relevant Impacts, it allows the user to finely calibrate with credits to every enterprise.

Quick access

The platform does not require additional software. Use a simple web browser of your choice.


Yes. The technical and commercial proposes that we emit have three different licensing options, allowing you to maximize the cost-benefit relation. That way, smaller constructions can use GSWEB the same way big enterprises.

The license provided by Webdutos is everlasting, in other words, you keep accessing your content after the end of the enterprise, because we work with the premise that all the knowledge deposited in the database belongs to the contractor.

During implementation, Webdutos provides a database loaded with stakeholders and possible impacts pertinent to your enterprise. In this phase we also calibrate the Relevance Matrix according to your internal processes. With this data loaded, the software operation will drive the process in a semi-automated way within the saved parameters. Adjustments can be made by the Enterprise Manager to ensure the correct management of the IPs.

Yes. All the modules can be used via internet as well as via the internal network of the enterprise. This way, it works normally even when there isn't a internet link.

We look forward to make that integration in order to avoid reworks and retyping data. There are various cases of succeeded integration with softwares such as Dutoline, Autocad, Citadon, Project, and others; but every case needs to be analysed to ensure the consistence of the information.

The users can open supporting calls by email at any time of the day and week. To call via cell phone or Skype, the support responds to the call on office hours, from Monday to Friday, since 9 AM until 6 PM.



  • R. Dr. Pedro Costa, 483 - Centro - Taubaté/SP
  • +55 (12) 3413 6082
  • Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM

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