Destined to Nonconformities Management through Nonconformities Reports (in Portuguese, RNC) and Corrective / Preventive Actions (in Portuguese, RACP). By Conforme it’s possible to monitor all the nonconformities cycle, since opening to ending. All Conforme’s parameters are personalized and that allows adjusting the database information to the enterprise’s controlled forms. That way, the indicators generated by Conforme reflect the business reality. Conforme is acceding the standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 e NBR 16001.

1. Follow the entire cycle of the nonconformity, from entering it to closing it down via your web browser.

2. Receive email notifications triggered by CONFORME.

3. Find RNCs by words, number, assignee, period, etc.

4. Several automatic indicators: Pareto chart, pie charts by person responsible, by status, Excel statements, Pending Excel, Pending Management, etc.


Tela mostrando como exportar formulários em Excel

Excel and PDF integration

The controlled forms are automatically filled out and exported.

Gráfico de pizza nas cores azul, preto, verde, laranja, roxo e vermelho representando a identificação de RNCs

Corrections per Sector

Identifies and keeps track of sectors and staff responsible by corrections.

Tela de registro de não conformidade

RNC Form

Nonconformity registers can be made directly on the navigator.

Gráfico de Pareto nas cores azul e verde

Indicators - Pareto

CONFORME automatically generates all the necessary indicators to manage nonconformities and Action Plans.

Gráfico de colunas 3D nas cores amarelo, verde e cinza representando RNCs

Cross Indicators

Performs the crossing between various information from the database to generate personalized indicators to the enterprise.

Tela de registro de ações corretivas, preventivas e melhorias

Corrective and Preventive Actions

Register the corrective actions on separated forms or jointly.


Tracking Maps

Through Conforme it is possible to generate tracking maps on Excel, creating new ways to keep track and control nonconformities.

Diverse Inquiries

Search reports through any fields of database: Responsible, Sectors, Subjects, Actions, Dates, Situation, etc.


Over 20 indicators and different reports that allow tracking the cycle of nonconformities and action plans.


All the screens are interconnected, allowing the user to find all the related information at any point of the construction. There is no need to install on the entire network: to consult, just use the web navigator of your preference.


Totally compatible with electronic files such as PDF, Excel, images and videos.

Notifies Central

It sends e-mails automatically to staff responsible for proposing, executing and validating actions.


Conforme uses a controlling software developed specially to registration and edition of reports on the high performance SQL database. You can consult through the software or on your preferred internet navigator.


Several automatic indicators: Pareto chart, pie charts by person in charge, by status, Excel statements, Pending Management, etc.


es. Conforme is integrated to any type of file. Through it it is possible to preserve files such as photographic reports, video recordings or sound, internet pages, standard files, CAD projects, worksheets and Office documents, etc.

Conforme was made to work with an ilimited number of interconnected fields. Our customization process is flexible and let us attend extremely complex forms in a quick and efficient way.

All Webdutos’ softwares can be accessed via an internet navigator (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer) or any other preferred by the user. There is no need to install any additional programs to use our softwares.

Yes. All Webdutos' programs can be used on internet as well as on the internal network of the enterprise. That way, they work normally when there is no internet link.

>No. The only necessary thing is a internet navigator.

There are not additional costs to incorporate new requested resources. Our working philosophy recognizes as necessary attending all the specific needs of each enterprise to evolve our programs. This way, improvement and new functionalities requests are always welcome!

We look forward to make that integration in order to avoid reworks and retyping data. There are various cases of succeeded integration with softwares such as Dutoline, Autocad, Citadon, Project, and others; but every case needs to be analysed to ensure the consistence of the information.

The users can open supporting calls by email at any time of the day and week. To calls via cell phone or Teams, the support responds to the call on office hours, from Monday to Friday, since 9 AM until 6 PM.

The technology used demands a low performance hardware. Even older servers, over five years old, can be used normally or even transform a workstation that's more than three years old into a server for the application.


  • R. Dr. Pedro Costa, 483 - Centro - Taubaté/SP
  • +55 (12) 3413 6082
  • Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM

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