Brazil has one of the best pipeline constructions standards. The Brazilian network is large because of PETROBRAS’ efforts, which uses constructive and quality practices that are adopted by many companies around the world. On this part, the Quality Control is very important, to ensure not only the quality of the construction but also all the necessary documentation and the traceability of everything that has been done.

The data book normally produced on this kind of constructions is the final product of the effort of Quality professionals. Through it, the final customer gets a reliable document, with all the information, occurrences, equipment sheets, the materials’ quality certificated, welders’ qualification, as built, copies of licenses and consents, etc.

The inspections are the activities that make the most information about the final product, and they have to be realized and registered in a controlled manner, analysed and preserved during all the pipe construction.


Gráfico de segmento representando o avanço das atividades

Qualidutos was developed to control and archive all the Quality inspections registers during the construction of terrestrial pipelines. It is acceding to the standards API1104, ASME B31.11, N-464, NBR15280 and others.

It works through an internet navigator, dismissing any need to install additional programs.



  • R. Dr. Pedro Costa, 483 - Centro - Taubaté/SP
  • +55 (12) 3413 6082
  • contato@webdutos.com.br
  • Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM

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