An important requirement of Quality Management Systems is the Document Control. Ensuring the all documents and registers are being used on the latest approved version is what standards as ISO/TR 10013 and ISO 9001 require.

Those documents distribution represents a complex activity and it need to attend standards as:

1. Ensure that documents that need approval have their modifications properly abalysed.

2. Ensure that the appropriate staff receive controlled copies with the same information.

3. Ensure the traceability of what was distributed, knowing whom has the documentes have been sent to and how many copies they have.

4. Ensure the immediate distribution of new documents or modified ones.

5. Ensure that obsolete documents are out of circulation.


Tela inicial do Qualidoc com dois gráficos de pizza representando Emissão de documentos por processo e por empresa

Qualidoc is the ideal solution to control all the documents distribution cycle, since their emission, internal or external approval (customer and controllers), distribution and hangs management.

It is acceding to the standards ISO 9001 – Item 4.2 – sub-item Documental Requirement / OHSAS 18001 / ISO14001. It is also compatible with PETROBRAS’ standards, as N-381 – Drawing Execution and Other Technical Documents in general, N-1710 – Codification of Technical Documents / N-2064 – Emission and Project Documents Revision.



  • R. Dr. Pedro Costa, 483 - Centro - Taubaté/SP
  • +55 (12) 3413 6082
  • Mon - Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM

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